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Increase Your Home’s Value with the Help of Your Trusted Bathroom Remodeling Contractor in Los Angeles


Bathrooms can make or break your home sale. A functional and aesthetically appealing bathroom can be one of the biggest selling points of your space, while its opposite can turn off potential homebuyers. In fact, according to trusted real estate agents and bathroom remodeling contractors in Los Angeles, bathroom renovations can increase your home value by at least sixty percent.


Include your bathroom in your home remodeling project. Increase your space’s value with expert renovation tips from your trusted remodeling contractor.

Expert Value-Improving Renovation Tips for Your Bathroom

With smart tweaks here and there, your bathroom can add massive value to your house and lead to the best return on investment. Here are some expert bathroom remodeling tips to boost your home’s resale value:

  1. Check if you need a new layout.

Switch up the old layout and keep the design in tune with the times. While you may want a bathroom with a 1980s aesthetic, not all homebuyers are attracted period-specific styles. Visit websites with updated bathroom designs and go to home improvement showrooms. Doing so will give you an idea of what bathroom features and themes are in-demand, which you can use to promote your home value.

  1. Update your bathroom’s color scheme.

Use neutral colors such as gray or white for a cleaner and more modern look. While trendy and vibrant designs can make your space undeniably attractive, they also tend to go out of style fast.

Your objective is to create a timeless look for your bathroom so that it would attract homebuyers when the time comes. If your renovation project includes a tub or shower conversion in Los Angeles, change its color scheme by updating plumbing fixtures, shower pan or tub and walls surrounds.

  1. Create the illusion of a larger bathroom.

If you do not have the budget to expand your bathroom, make it appear more spacious than it is. Place brighter light fixtures to make the space look roomier. Use grout-less bath surrounds for your bathroom walls. A grout free panel will reduce the build up of mildew and mold and will make it easy to clean and maintain. Consult your bathroom remodeling contractor in Los Angeles to get expert advice on what tile type will work best for your space.

  1. Keep your bathroom eco-friendly.

Nowadays, homebuyers prefer places with environment-friendly features. Cater to this preference by installing energy-saving fixtures. For example, if you are updating your shower, choose one that comes with water-saving options. Don’t forget the design. Whatever eco-friendly plumbing fixtures you install should look sleek and timeless for future homebuyers.

Remember that you are remodeling your bathroom not just for yourself, but also for your home’s future owner. Don’t base your renovation choices solely on your preference. Follow these tips and remodel your space according to what your market wants.

Remodel Your Bathroom to Boost Your Home Sale!

Need expert assistance with your renovation project? We at Payless Bath Makeover can help you design and develop a bathroom that will give your place incomparable value.

Our years of experience with shower and bathtub replacement in Los Angeles have made numerous homes become hot commodities on the market. We make it easy by offering a package that includes demo and disposal, new plumbing fixtures, a new shower pan or tub and new walls surrounds.

Be ready and call us at 888-389-9955 to schedule an in-home consultation for your bathroom remodel!

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Our 3 Step Process Makes Bathroom Remodeling Easy!

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation

Get started by giving us a call or submitting a form for a consultation on us!

Get a Top-Notch Design Consultation

We’ll use a diagnostic tool called the design analysis to understand exactly what you want and need in your new space. We’ll openly discuss all issues and share solutions that will fit within your budget.

Enjoy Your New Bathroom

Enjoy this experience from the comfort of your own home! We’re here to help and share our experience and knowledge in remodeling small showers. This will be a no pressure conversation about your goals.


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